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I’ve Got Cabin Fever

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Hey everybody, how’s it going? I hope you’re not falling over from the heat!

You need to be extra careful, because there’s a fever going around. I’m not talking about Corona, I’m talking about cabin fever.

Staying cooped up at home every day is making me restless! I feel like I’m going crazy! That’s “cabin fever”. This phrase was originally used to express the mental problems that come from being trapped in a place away from society, like a cabin in the mountains. Being unable to move freely really starts to take a toll on your mind!

Do you have cabin fever? If not, what have you been doing to prevent it?

Right now, many people spend most of their time at home. Perhaps they can’t even imagine that there are other places that are safe.

From my point of view, it would seem like the perfect time to get in touch with nature. As someone who has grown up in beautiful places like Colorado and Arizona, rather than visiting the city, one of my first instincts is instead to go and visit the forests and mountains. Just the other day, I took a drive to Sazareishi Park and enjoyed the fresh mountain air and cool water. It’s the perfect place for a riverside picnic.

Research shows that spending time in nature has many beneficial effects, so I recommend taking some time out of your day to at least take a walk in the park. I’m sure it will be a great change of pace.

Now is the time to rethink what you want from life, and about your relationship with friends, family, and society. Go somewhere. Find a dream. Pick up a new hobby. All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy, right?

What is the future you want?

Isn’t it time for a change?

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